About Our Nut Logs

Nut Logs

Our nut logs are available as a Monthly Specialty Item for the Christmas (December) and Easter (April 1 through 20, 2019) holidays.

Each nut log is about 12 inches long permitting approximately 12 to 15 servings - depending on how generous your slices are!

Our nut logs have a nut filling swirled inside each log. They taste delicious sliced and toasted with butter spread on top … yum!

Nut logs may be frozen. Wrap them in saran or a large freezer bag. They may be frozen approximately 1 to 2 months. Nut logs frozen longer than 2 months aren't harmful, they just aren't at their peak flavor and texture.


Nutrition Information

The Pie Shoppe, Inc.,  PO Box 233,  Laughlintown,  PA  15655    724-238-9536  

Copyright ©   The Pie Shoppe Fundraising.  All Rights Reserved.